AB BRAND (Advanced Bionics bran)

​First I have to say, I am getting trolled by AB ads (see my home page where I took a photo of it). That's my personal complaint but other than that I will go over the general feedback I get on this brand. I am not sure why so many people call in to my site and think I am the manufacturer for this brand. IF YOU ARE CALLING ABOUT AB, I AM NOT THE MANUFACTURE.

As far as my review, many audiologists that I come across hint at this brand but it is never really talked about. Over the years the battle is really between Med el and Cochlear and AB sometimes maybe about 1 in 15 callers are either comparing AB to model or to Cochlear. NOte: just because it is not as popular or as big of a company doesn't mean its a bad thing. They did come out after the other two and have less references as far as how many people are using their brand.

There are some things that I will find out the truth to, such as on page 10 of their brochure I read... says they are the largest brand and the most innovative... again, who is the most innovative. I know but most people read this and are too naive to do further research.

​Page 13 on their brochure says they are the pioneer.   I hate to say this but Med-el was the first (1977 and Cochlear 1981). If there is something I have missed out and don’t know please do tell me. But, 100% of the doctors I talk to confirm with me what I researched is correct
SO, AB was founded in 1993.. I made a D- in math and even had special tutoring but if my math is right…. 1993 is 16 years after Med-el the first company came out. Please, if I am wrong, correct me.

Full spectrum VS Broad Spectrum
This is the topic that comes to mind with many people that mention the AB brand that I talk to .
I have a problem when one implant company says the others will give only 75% hearing coverage. If all three are saying this about each other, then that means all 3 have 75%.

​Notice: I know a lot of competitors say their brand is better than AB and their electrode is shorter and doesn't cover the entire cochlea. First of all, I have busted many sales reps from other brands using the word "entire cochlea". They said their electrode fills up the entire cochlea to the apex of the cochlea. The cochlea is about 35 mm in length. The longest electrode to date is 31.5 mm (Med-els electrode). So, it really bothers me when someone uses the word entire cochlea. With that being said, many people get talked out of AB or even Cochlear "TM" brand because they learn that they should have the electrode go up the cochlea further to get the lower frequency sounds that they will miss out on if only around 2/3 of the cochlea gets stimulated with the other brand. What they don't tell me is that many people aren't candidates for getting a longer electrode. Some people have good hearing near the apex of their cochlea so they don't need to get a longer electrode. There is no sense of destroying residual hearing if they can hear enough low frequencies without getting an electrode in that area.

By saying "ours is better" because we have full spectrum and high fidelity sound is good but only if the person is a candidate for a longer electrode. Not everyone needs a longer electrode based on the health of the region close to the apex of their cochlea. So, for people that only have an electrode that goes 2/3 the length of the cochlea, they can hear just as good or better since they have the residual hearing that doesn't require a longer electrode that reaches closer to the apex. Many people cross out the other 2 brands when they hear the argument for a longer electrode which is fine for people that are a candidate but for those that are not a candidate should hear both pitches for and against each qualitative feature.

A word on short electrodes: The companies with the shorter electrodes that went into that direction of promoting shorter electrodes have focused more on sound coding to make up for not having a longer electrode. The length of the electrode can be just as important as sound coding, just so people know. I still urge people to look at the x rays of the cochlea being implanted and take the x rays to at least 3 different surgeons. If all 3 says you are not a candidate for a 28mm or higher electrode, then by all means, you tried and I have no problem with a shorter electrode. 

Notice: A lot of this page I had to edit because people are getting more confused as what my research says is different than all the stuff people see on the internet on this brand in particular. I have a new page that I think will help people. I have heard the pitches for AB from their sales people and the pitches against if from their competitor brands. I made a left and right list and combined 2 conversations with the best most convincing pitch for AB that will make anyone doubt the waht the other 2 companies say and another youtube video where if someone watches that they will most likely want to go with Cochlear or Med El. It all started out as a bribe for nopys so I did it.

I can help answer any questions that people have about anything implant related. I take it personally when one company contradicts another company.

Since this is still one of the 3 top 3 brands I strongly recommend people read my page AB vs Cochlear vs Med-el.
I personally want to thankAlfred E. Mann - who started Advanced Bionics. He did some things that took the original invention of the first cochlear implant to the next level. Without his geniousisity, some of the current technologies that all three competitors are constantly improving would not even around if it weren't for him. Please see my gratitude page if you haven't seen it yet.
Again, I am not calling out just one company for thsi, it is all the companies that are saying that there technology is the best.. they have the most advanced technology... or the ONLY sound processing technology that the FDA recognized.

Seriously, I am not sure who started this but it has to stop cuz it is confusing nearly every parent I talk to that is trying to weed through stuff. I first compare the components of the implants and do not go by any of the marketing hype that most parents are going through. Older people that alredy have hearing aids are less naive and can smell the BS and are more seasoned since they have already been through the hearing aid nightmares.
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... because every company is saying their cochlear implant is the best
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... because every company is saying their cochlear implant is the best
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