If you think my site is wrong about things or you want to criticize me I really don't care. This is my personal diary of the research I found that was helpful for me in my search. My website is for me. I'm not trying to convince anyone of my ideas that they are the ideas to go with. People are welcome to learn what they want to learn but I am only writing down stuff based on my experiences with cochlear implants and my research. My interpretation could be totally wrong. I don't know.
I believe I did enough research to feel what I am saying is true, plus many people reading my site that email me agree with me too. I feel like I'm the Cochlear Implant Police trying to find out what information is accurate and what's not. I feel my research should be shared instead of just keeping my notes on my computer. I hope someone will appreciate my work.
I am not trying to make people feel guilty if they picked the wrong implant or did not do enough research. This is not the purpose of my site. I don't do comparison charts where I try to make one brand look better than another either.
If you learned something from my website that you didn't know before, it's good hearing that. I just want those doing research to know that I'm not trying to convince anyone... that my opinions are fact. I am not a know it all either. My only urge is for people to know when they are asking the wrong questions that are set up from promotional products like brochures
If you disagree with me on any thing I have on my site, the information is only my opinions. I am not claiming my information is totally accurate. I'm not claiming information on my site as a fact. My site is mainly here to help me organize my information so I can update my research on a regular basis as I learn new things about cochlear implants. If someone finds something seriously wrong and someone thinks I need to update my site or finds something that is inaccurate, please email me. In the mornings I am less likely to do nopys.