First, I want to say this because this is my first test I have done to really understand the motive of a speech pathologist or cochlear implant surgeon is to see how they respond to the nopys request. Advanced Bionics where the most open to it with Cochlear "TM" almost being resistant to the point they tell me they are going to hang up on my or if I am in their office they ask me if I am serious. Med-el was in the middle. I have to do this because this gives me the most general sense of how accurate their responses will be to more technical questions that most customers don't ask them because they only usually have questions in response to reading their website or brochure. Cochlear "TM" was the only company that refused the nopys but it is ok, I usually know what to expect before I ask someone.
With that being said, I have done most of my research between these two brands (Cochlear "TM" and Med-EL).
This is page 9 from the brochure. There are some companies that give a star rating system giving their brand 5 stars and the others 1 or 2 stars. This is the 2nd least desirable way I find when one company tries to make another company look inferior to their brand. I am going to call out each company as everyone seems to be doing it in a different but subtle way. This is almost as bad but people love reading these types of charts.
I don’t appreciate a chart putting fear into someone who is considering another brand. Just not cool. I don’t do business like that. … so they are saying… ours is 99.82% reliable.. and the other brands are 98% reliable. Only naive consumers will fall into this marketing trap… Oh … and that 99.82% can change from month to month. People who rely on this type of research deserve to buy the wrong implant. Don’t come back to me when you have problems with the wrong implant brand. I will also expose other companies when they do something like this too. (Med-el and AB). It is unfortunate that when one company starts a comparison it is only natural that the other 2 companies come up with a comparison chart in their own way. This is another reason I had to make this site.
I have another issue with page 18 in their brochure. Most people trust Cochlear "TM" brand.. yes.. according to one sample study in 2018.. what about this year, it is not 2018 anymore. I cannot even count how many nopys I've been turned down for since then. For people that read this and make a buying decision just based on that, they deserve to get the wrong one. It is not fair for kids when under researched parents get misinformation from not the right research or have to hear trash talking and buy because they really liked the sales rep.
I will say Cochlear "TM" is the most popular cochlear implant company. I hear many stories from people how they much is spent on acquisition cost to get a customer. I have seen paid search ads and I have seen it where it costs them 85 dollars a click. So, if 200 people click on their advertisement banner that day, that expense should not be passed on to the customer as far as I'm concerned. It's not their fault either. Every company is trying to get in the top banner positions on Google. So, when a company charges several hundred dollars to fix something that costs them only maybe 20 dollars, this is most likely the reason.
On a personal note, I can see why this company is as successful as they are. I’m pretty sure that the person that was really inspired and wanting to help out in this industry wanted to partner with Med-el... but no…every company would rather compete than join together. I know people get inspired and want to help people but in the end… its a business. If these companies were so helpful why charge 50 bucks for a wire that costs a dollar. Cochlear was the first company to get FDA clearance and is probably why they have the biggest market share with their head start. I do give the credit for coming out with the first multi Chanel cochlear implant.
I get into my comparison for those that want to compare Cochlear "TM" to Med-el and AB. This is probably the page people read the most on my page. I wish people would read my whole site. It is just as important picking out just the right brand as it is to eliminate scarring and getting a good recovery. Rarely people know how lowering the partial o2 pressure of the ear and raising its voltage can be the biggest game changer. I would gamble to say that having an older cochlear implant 2 generations earlier may sound better if it healed almost perfectly than getting the latest most advanced implant but with more scarring. Again, I urge people to know if they are a candidate for theory 1 style cochlear implant or theory 2. There are two different theories on how the 3 brands are made. Out of Med-el, Cochlear "TM" and AB, only 1 of the brands go by theory 1 and the other two brands make their implant based on theory 2. When meeting with different companies, your decision to choose which theory should naturally develop if the right research is done and not just asking questions based on "call to action" responses.
This was based on references 12 and 13 back in 2017 and 2018. So, I am going to contact AB and Med-el and see if these numbers are accurate. I should have an answer by the time this is up which will probably be 801 nopys later.
Since I still haven't been able to get a Med-el and a Cochlear "TM" rep together in a conversation, I will keep trying but based on asking all the Cochlear "TM" reps about this picture and is Med-el implant the "only" one that give a person the entire range. The response I get mostly is that not everyone is a candidate for 31.5 mm of an electrode so this is based on a fake, not real world test. One rep told me that, yes, maybe for 1% of the population getting an implant will be able to hear the "ENTIRE" FULL frequency range and get high fidelity sound but for 99% of the people this is absurd. This is just one question and I am making a huge page on the sales pitches for and against each brand so people can hear a convincing pitch for a certain quality of one cochlear implant and hear the opposite "negative" sales pitch for that same thing. It will probably confuse people but if using all the research I have done it should all make sense in the end before choosing a cochlear implant
There are pros and cons of getting a longer electrode and should only be longer if the person's ear ecology is able to utilize the extra length. The longer it is the higher the chance of destroying residual hearing. I urge people to be super educated and really know how to research this because this is probably the most important thing to know when choosing a brand. It can go 50/50 either way in a brand's favor if someone doesn't have the right knowledge and just bits and pieces done in the "discovery" sessions which is BS if you ask me. I have gone in with people in their early discovery stage of each brand and the things that are said by the cochlear implant rep are almost always geared towards the education level and research the person has done. Most reps will not answer my questions and advice me to email the corporate office for the questions that I ask them. If my site causes confusion and more work for people since people are asking tougher questions now, so be it.
I do appreciate Cochlear "TM" not giving away every type of promotional piece they can think of like some of these other companies. I saw companies giving out stuffed animals, sticker books, and anything kids love to win the parents over to get them to like them and want to get their implant brand. This is NOT SELLING. This is like giving free meals to kids to get parents in the restaurant. Those who buy into this type of marketing probably deserve to get the wrong implant... well I shouldn't say that but you get my point. Just don't fall into this trap. Companies have been doing this for years and it really does work for the naive consumers.
I know these little animals are cute and enticing especially when one of these reps from any of these companies such as those companies I see at the Hearing Walks. They are holding these animals in their hands and the kids naturally want to run over their. The kid runs. The parents run after them. The kid takes the animals. Now that was a cheap customer aquisition cost. It's like cereal boxes with some free little toy inside and there you... the kid is buying that box of cereal every day for breakfast for years. Please, if anyone tries to entice you like this... (and I know the companies because I have seen it first hand nearly every time I go), let me know. This stuff has to end and it has to end now.
With that being said, Cochlear "TM" is one of the top 2 players in the cochlear implant market and should be considered by anyone trying to choose a brand.
Please take my Cochlear implant quiz and I will choose the implant based on your answers.