Knee Point:

What are your knee points. Rarely do I get an answer that I am satisfied with when I ask people who I believe should know the answer to this. Most knee points are there so that nearly all speech those with cochlear implants will encounter will be below these thresholds.  I strongly recommend understanding how sound clarity can be altered based on how successful the surgery is and how prepared someone is to biohack.

​When trying to choose a processor, I urge people to ask each of the companies what there viewpoint is on their knee point compression algorithms as each company may tell you a different approach is better. It is good to know if their compression setting is stronger or weaker as my goal is to get the least electoral stimulation possible. I am very sensitive to EMF and other may be too. 160hz would be considered very high and and extreme compression of frequencies that would maybe not be needed if other factors were done. If, for example, the person is trying to get a better sound quality with a very short electrode, the knee point may need to be compressed more to get a fuller range but there may be a pitch distortion as the sacrifice. This would make it hard.

Note: most cochlear implants have a compression ratio between 3:1 to 12:1. Those who are very lucky will get it closer to 3:1 ratio. I urge people to get an implant that requires the least voltage increase as the magnetic current increases on the electrode contacts. Those that want to see what the EMF is can get an emf meter... they are usually 30 dollars for a basic ones. If it is in the yellow or red zone, this is not good for those that might be sensitive to EMF and electro-smog. Green is safe. The World Health Organization says that anything over 2mG is not safe. But, if an implant is going to be used all day I would not want anything next to my brain that is over 2mG. I don't even put cell phones directly to my head to avoid the radiation.

I could almost guarantee the pitch and timber would be different when the partial oxygen pressure and the voltage is changed is increased on cochlear implants. As long as it is 2 mG or under that is fine with me. See my page on sound clarity.

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