​Cochlear implant buyer's guide.

Many people choose a cochlear implant based on talking to sales reps and reading marketing brochures. People may regret their choice of implant when they realize they did not research enough.

I try to break up the components of the implant and compare based on an individuals ear ecology. Some implants might be better based on the structure of the ear. Some people may prefer a less bulky implant but their bone structure shows that a bulkier one is more appropriate for their bone bed. 

Some people have a larger number of spiral ganglia in their cochlear and one brand's electrode may be more appropriate than another brand even though the other brand had more features the patient wanted.

​Feature war: Every company I talk to seems to have a feature that their competition doesn't have. 
​Reliability: Most people don't think about this until after the warranty period. This is when after the insurance companies won't cover the implant anymore. Some implants are more reliable when exposed to ballistic implant. Many children during play and sports often damage their implants. Some are made of titanium and some ceramic. There are pros and cons to each type of material used. Make sure you research this. Also, make sure you read the warranty's fine print. You might see what each company's 5 year warranty really offers.

IP rating. Each brand has a different ip rating. This is for water protection on how deep the cochlear implant can go. 
Each company I talked to had a different ip rating. The brands with better IP rating seems to have the least amount of problems based on all the people I have talked to. Some of the cochlear implant brands have better microphones that don't get damaged as easily.

Best sound - of course people will say theirs sounds better if they are in a research project for that company. So many people will tell the company what they want to hear. So, if 99 out of 100 say theirs is the best… thats just fake.
Also, I urge people to talk to surgeons to make sure the person getting implanted is NOT a candidate for a longer electrode that can give high fidelity sound. Those that don't make long electrodes tried to convince me that shorter electrodes are still full spectrum as they have nearly twice as many electrode contacts that make up for a longer electrode. I urge people to hear the story for and against it. Some surgeons have more experience with shorter electrodes and they will probably say shorter is good and a high quality processor will compensate for it. The surgeons that have more experience with electrodes that are longer (31.5 mm), they will usually be more for the longer ones.

Size and weight: Some are heavy and have more capabilities while others are lighter and this is a top selling point for some people. I look for more flexible than lighter. Lighter ones seem to break more based on all the people I have talked to.

Array (electrode) types.. Wavy wires vs straight, Tensile strengths, yield strengths
Some are flexible and soft.. Some are waves and have flexible tips. Some are very stiff and have way more electrode contacts but are short so there probably won't be a problem if it is stiff (although companies that don't have the stiff shorter types with more electrode contacts will usually say the opposite). Make sure if getting implants grade titanium it is pure titanium. There are several grades of titanium and several that use alloys that may leach heavy metals into the body over time.

Potential Risks of Emf: I want to minimize the electrical current that is used in the cochlear implant. I have taken emf meters to different brands and some are higher than others. Anything over 2 mG is something I would avoid. (for those that already have an implant and have one over 2 mG, I strongly urge having it infused. Just stick a little piece in the battery case and it should be fine. Two identical implants from the same brand can have different emf levels depending on the settings. Some brands may be more energy efficient and don't have to use as much power. One shouldn't have to turn the power up if it could have been avoided. I urge people to research the headphones (the Sony ones on my after implantation page). The first 2 weeks are crucial after getting implanted. If the auditory nerve and cochlea is at a higher voltage when healing... I will leave it there since I cannot make a claim due to my restrictions over what I can and cannot say on this site. The first 2 weeks is when people are in the inflammation state.

​How important are the Sony headphones that are being used after implantation?
Most people wait about 3 to 6 weeks to heal their incision from the surgery. The first 2 weeks are the most crucial not just the healing of the incision but internal healing. The first 3 months after healing is where I have found the biggest rise in how people will interpret the sounds in their cochlear implant. It slows a little after this and if the partial o2 pressure and voltage is optimal then I don't see anything getting in the way as far as that. Many people don't use the headphones every day after implantation and may regret it afterwards because you usually don't get a second chance. This is assuming the depth of electrode insertion is deep enough and the sounds will be as natural and won't have to be upshifted. Some people will never get high fidelity sound even with the headphones. If the electrode is too short then no matter how it heals the person may not hear deep bass like it sounds naturally. It can sound muffled and mechanical like the cheap earbuds that came with the early cell phones.
We're open now.
Ask for Beth

... because every company is saying their cochlear implant is the best
We're open now.
Ask for Jay


I urge people to talk to companies promoting a shorter and longer electrode before choosing an implant. 
I have taken a few examples out of of this brochure that I believe people should research as they read the brochures.
Below is a page I took a picture of that the other 2 competitor reps disagree with and when I showed them this, both companies disagreed and showed me otherwise. But, the thing I hate most that many companies do is they make a statement... like ours is 10 times as reliable as the other implants or when they keep saying the word best... people see the word best and then choose that brand just because they "heard" it was the best based on some marketing brochure. If you look closely, and not calling out just one company because nearly every company is doing it... Do you see that  2-4 at the end of the sentance. There is almost always some fine print that you have to dig usually at the end of the brochure to read it and most people don't bother reading it. It's like saying, We have a 10 year warranty. But when you go to 5-6 and put your glasses on to read the fine print.. it says some restrictions apply. So, where are these applied restrictions. I had to call the company and I felt like I had to defend myself just to get them to email the restrictions. They asked questions like who the cochlear implant for... or who is in charge. I just want the restrictions so I can compare warranties. They ask me questions that are irrelevant to what I called in for and they expect me not to frustrated when I asked them for nopys and now they are questioning me and then I get hung up on and still didn't get the email I wanted and had to get someone else to call them that is maybe more articulate than me on the phone.
After reading these comparisons, I can see why none of the people I talk to like other reps when one reps gives information and the competitor rep tells them what they were told is not true.
Another picture I took out of the brochure. Many people after hearing about the shorter electrodes and how if people get a 31.5 mm electrode they may have a risk of damaging their residual hearing and have pitch problems... I can see why people are very confused after talking to all 3 companies.
I just finished reading this book. I always look for books that make me question everything. I bought a a few cases of this book at a clearance place for a dollar each. I skimmed over it and knew this was gonna be a great book and it was. If anyone wants one of these let me know. If I have any at the time I would love to share it.

I didn't just wake up one day and said I am going to make a review site on cochlear implants. It was from frustration and not getting answers from people that I needed. Most calls end up with them thinking it was a prank call and getting hung up on. I understand most people are busy at work and don't have time to sit and talk to me for an hour but when companies say they are open for questions at their concierge department I thought I could ask all the questions I have. I rarely get to talk to the engineers and coders so it has been hard to get straight answers.
Frustration: Everyone is so caught up on getting the right implant most people do zero research on the healing process and just wait to see what they say on follow up visits. I believe the first 2 weeks of the healing process is the most crucial time and no one is talking about the headphones. I understand it is not Western medicine and it is an "off-label" product. I have more experience with these headphones than I do with cochlear implants. So, when people think they are just some Sony headphones, think again. They do not play sound. They were invented by a Nobel price winner. Also insurance doesn't cover these and most people can't afford the headphones. I do my best to offer loaners to those in dire financial situations that can't afford them. See my After Implantation page for the headphones.
I urge people to make 100% sure that the person being implanted is or is not a candidate for a full spectrum cochlear implant. Those who get shorter than 28mm implants that were a candidate will wish they had high fidelity sound. This is so important. There are companies that will tell you you are and you are not a candidate. Doctors looking at x rays usually all will say the same recommendation unlike sales people who haven't even seen the x rays.
Based on your type of hearing loss
This is a link that for those who want to see how a cochlear implant is implanted this is the link. I strongly urge people to research the headphones as the healing process is super critical the first 2 weeks.

You may want to bookmark my site as this link is to Medels surgury library. 
Impanting a cochlear implant - a 28mm electrode

Or if you want, you can copy the link about watch it later. This is the link to someone getting the flex 28.
What is it with these capes. On Halloween they were giving out tons of capes to the kids. They gave me a bunch.
I personally don't think any kid would want to wear one of these for their costume. But, it did get people coming up to 
them when they were giving them out.
There is nothing cute or Halloween like about any of these capes. (my opinion)
Seriously, now all the companies were giving out coloring books to kids. I happen to find these from my early research but I now remember how they got the kids coloring while the family was in the room hearing the "presentation" on how their brand was the best. Don't even get me started. I have an entire page on "the best cochlear implant" on this page here.